THE OFFICE – an unconventional sitcom

Yesterday as I re-watched the office (us version) for the 344th time, I realized how there are a lot of people who don’t really like it. While I try to convince them I hope I do justice to the title. Frankly I was astonished that someone had the nerve to watch the first episode and classify it into ‘Shows I’ll never watch again’ category.


It was among the first shows that I watched at my sister’s advice. I had very different views before watching it. I, like anyone else thought its going to be an extended version of Taylor swift’s ‘ours’ music video. Well, it wasn’t. One thing that stood out for me was the fact that it was very much normal. Something we don’t get to see a lot.

The characters are very deep and unlike any other characters they aren’t built on specific traits. Monica was known as a cleanliness freak but Pam was more believable. She is so normal that she won a dundie for having the whitest sneaker.

All the characters are deeply flawed which makes you fall in love with them as the series moves forward.

Pam captures the beauty of being a regular person. She is at first shown as a timid girl who later goes on to become so bold that she walks on burning coal. As Dwight refers to her ‘a well-watered fern’, it sort of sums it all up. The character of Pam is used as a ‘control’ to show how the other characters are very much over the top. At one point the watchers might feel she is too tethered to earth because of the fact that settles for less. Clinging excessively to normalcy sometimes can comes off as apathy. She is also shown as a character who is always there for everyone in the office.

Let’s talk about Jim who is another character, we can relate to. He can see too much often beyond what’s prescribed. He always makes faces at the camera which could be used as the replacement of the annoying laugh tracks. Jim is friend-zoned by Pam for the first few seasons which can be very frustrating but it’s very much relatable to say the least. He has a super power of finding humor in everything but that does prevents him from getting what he wants. After opting the safe choices he has second thoughts. After everything he is one of the best written characters in the history of sitcoms.

When it comes to the show itself, it is moving very slowly (although I watched all the 9 seasons in 2 weeks!). The jokes are very complex which is why many people don’t get it. It is so well-scripted that it was the first ever thing in which I cried after I was done watching. If you don’t believe me, you will after you watch ‘the dinner party’ episode. Every moment has tiny minute details that we miss out which holds great meaning. When you discover them you’ll be as proud as when you discover Taylor swift’s Easter eggs.

Dwight Schrute, a beet farmer who might remind you of Sheldon Cooper, is a very warm character. Through the series you realize how outlandish he actually is. Although his life is very much story-like, he does share a few moments which will make your heart soar. His friendship with Pam. He gave us a literal ‘rolling on the floor laughing’ moments. [To know more about him watch- S5 E14/15]

Saved the best for the last! Michael Scott who is also my favorite character is played by Steve Carell. Often seen as childish person given the fact that he is the regional manager of ‘Dunder Mifflin’ is ironic. He craves love and attention and to get this he can go to any heights.

“I want be married and have a hundred kids, so, I can have a hundred friends and no one can say ‘no’ to being my friend.” – young Michael on TV.

Don’t say that, that didn’t make your heart wrench.

This character is so deeply flawed that he showers everyone with love which can get a little too clingy but in the end you’ll miss it. Through the seasons he can be seen doing eccentric things but he too does share a lot of moments which will make you want to love him unconditionally. He is indeed the best boss after all.

Over the course of the series you realize how those jokes wouldn’t have worked if that show was made today.

P.S – This was written by a die-hard office fan and a professional ranter.

Honorable mentions – Ryan Howard much like Howard Wolowitz is the most unexpected. Kevin who pretends dumb is the smartest as one of the theory describes. Creed Bratton has very little role but he leaves a big impression. Angela is nothing of an angel. Kelly is very manipulative.

Published by Dhrithi R

I love writing and this could be a start!

4 thoughts on “THE OFFICE – an unconventional sitcom

  1. Beautifully written…fantastic articulation as usual….this show is something which is lying in my “Pending in life ” watch list…and I literally get trolled for it every single time 😂 Now I will definitely start it next week ✌️✌️

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