Senior citizens – Redefining retirement

When I watched “The Intern” starring Robert De Niro, it felt awfully resonant, not to what I’ve lived but to what I’ve seen. My grandfather post retirement, wakes up early in the morning, goes for a walk, comes back home and gets dressed for work. He got retired at 60 but works to this dayContinue reading “Senior citizens – Redefining retirement”

Why did “Lady Bird” feel so autobiographical to all of us?

The titular role of “Lady Bird” living in suburban Sacramento tells us a little something about all of us. As she navigates through the graves of life, she provides us an insight into a very normal teenager’s life. It is devoid of any unnecessary spectacle. And most importantly she isn’t a brat. We aren’t justContinue reading “Why did “Lady Bird” feel so autobiographical to all of us?”

To Kill a Mockingbird – A remarkable tale

A classic but sadly banned, written by Harper Lee Just like that sentence this book has the perfect composition of its positives to its negatives. Talking about the title itself, ‘MOCKINGBIRD’ represents innocence, literally too. A mockingbird does nothing but sings it’s heart out, doesn’t ever hurt us and hence to kill them is aContinue reading “To Kill a Mockingbird – A remarkable tale”

THE OFFICE – an unconventional sitcom

Yesterday as I re-watched the office (us version) for the 344th time, I realized how there are a lot of people who don’t really like it. While I try to convince them I hope I do justice to the title. Frankly I was astonished that someone had the nerve to watch the first episode andContinue reading “THE OFFICE – an unconventional sitcom”

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